We’re redefining business-as-usual with climate action.
We Are Neutral is one of the only carbon offset organizations where the offsetting doesn't stop at the purchase of the carbon offsets. We use the dollars spent on carbon offsets directly to fund hands-on carbon reduction projects, future carbon offset projects, and environmental education. Plus, our clients get the added benefits of sustainable consultations and marketing.
“Sustainability makes business sense. For every dollar donated by a company towards green initiatives, sales grow $6.”
“Nearly 50% of Americans say they’d never shop with a company if they learned they weren’t sustainable as possible.”
“The average American will pay 26% more than retail price if it means the product is completely sustainable.”
You’re passionate about the planet and want your brand to show it.
When you offset your carbon footprint, we will:
Help you understand, reduce, and offset your comprehensive carbon footprint to achieve carbon neutrality.
Give you a window decal and lawn sign designating your business as carbon neutral.
Coordinate opportunities for you to participate in our carbon offset/reduction projects.
Announce your carbon neutrality on social media and as a feature in our Neutral Newsletter (reach of 10,000+).
Place your logo (with a link to your website) on our website and in our newsletters.
Invite you to network at our annual Partner Mixer.
Add your business to our Neutral Neighbors discount program.
. . . and all of this is just the beginning.